Credit: @lilyphillip_s/Instagram
Doctor Issues ‘Extreme’ Warning To Woman Who Plans To Sleep With 1000 Men In 24 Hours
A doctor has issued adult star Lily Phillips with a warning after she announced plans to sleep with 1000 men in 24 hours.
Phillips began her career at 18 and reportedly earned £2,000 on her first day from solo performances.
Now, her daring challenges and high-profile projects are believed to earn her a six-figure monthly income.
Most recently, the adult star went viral after opening up about her experience of sleeping with 101 men in a day.
Now, she’s shared even more ambitious plans, leading to an ‘extreme’ warning.

Phillips opened up about the aftermath of sleeping with 101 men in a day in an interview with Metro.
She told the news outlet: “When you’re in s** positions for hours, my actual body, like my limbs, were aching. I felt like I’d been hit by a bus.”
Despite the physical toll, she emphasized her passion for her work: “I enjoy it… I don’t think I’d do these crazy things if I wasn’t.”
In a follow-up video, Phillips said she felt ‘ran through’ and noted her bloodshot eyes were caused by ‘bodily fluids.’
She also updated followers on a facial cut from a bitten lip, adding: “I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus… I am so achey.”
As Phillips has now revealed she has an even more extreme challenge in mind, health experts are sharing their concerns.

The adult star has announced plans to sleep with 1000 men in just 24 hours, a feat that averages roughly 41 men per hour.
This ambitious event aims to surpass the current record of adult film star Lisa Sparks, who engaged with 919 men in one day in 2004.
While Phillips claims to be ‘in training’ to prepare for this next endeavor, medical professionals have warned of the potential risks associated with such extreme physical activities.
Dr. Zac Turner, a Sydney-based preventive health expert, highlighted such dangers in comments to News.com.au.

The expert said: “S**, at its core, is a physically demanding activity that engages various muscles, the cardiovascular system, and the release of endorphins.
“In moderation, it promotes stress relief, cardiovascular health, and emotional bonding. However, a 24-hour s**ual marathon imposes severe physical and physiological strain.”
Common physical consequences of excessive s**ual activity include bruising, tearing, soreness, and dehydration.
Dr. Turner likened the challenge to running a marathon without adequate preparation, cautioning that participants risk overuse injuries, dehydration, and exhaustion.
He noted that Lisa Sparks herself admitted experiencing pain for a week following her record attempt.

Experts also warn that such stunts distort reality, creating unrealistic expectations of relationships and behavior.
Health psychologist Jo Rodriguez, from Straightforward Psychology, told the Mirror ‘brains are not adaptive enough to recognize actually that’s not the real world.’
As Phillips is only 23 years old, the expert also raised concerns over the adult star’s pre-frontal cortex – the brain’s rational part – which doesn’t develop until the mid to late twenties.
Rodriguez warned: “So it’s something that she could definitely regret later in life and could have repercussions for her later life that she isn’t aware of right now.”
Phillips has acknowledged the mental and physical challenges of her planned record attempt.
On The Reality Check podcast, she said she expects to feel sore ‘towards the end’ but believes her determination will carry her through.
Related Article: Adult Star Lily Phillips Shares ‘Insane’ Logistics Of How She’s Going To Sleep With 1000 Men In A Day
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