Credit: @reallisasparxx/Instagram & bonniieblue_xoxo/TikTok
Woman Who Slept With 919 Men In A Day Issues Stark Warning To Adult Star Bonnie Blue Who Beat Her Record
A woman who slept with 919 men in a day has issued a warning to adult star Bonnie Blue, who recently beat her record.
OFs star Bonnie shockingly claims to have slept with 1,057 men within just 12 hours, which means she broke the unofficial world record set by Lisa Sparks in 2004.
Now, Sparks has responded to the adult star’s viral stunt and issued her a clear warning.

Sparks achieved the unofficial record in a championship event in Warsaw, Poland, and defeated two competitors by a margin of 21 participants.
She later described the event as a ‘complete s*** show’ and admitted it remains her only regret in her two-decade career in the adult film industry, per the Mirror.
In a post online, the adult star revealed that the Polish government initially threatened legal action against those involved, prompting organizers to relocate the event to a clandestine warehouse.
Ultimately, Sparks returned home without incident but remained conflicted about her participation.
She wrote (per The Sun): “To be completely transparent with you all; this event is the one thing I regret doing in the 21+ years in the p*** industry to this day.
“This was also the ONLY job I agreed to perform strictly for the money.”
More recently, 25-year-old content creator Bonnie claims to have surpassed Sparks’ record by apparently engaging with 1,057 men in just 12 hours.

Bonnie announced her feat on social media, thanking the participants, including ‘barely legal’ teens and married men, for their involvement.
According to her PR team, the adult star completed the challenge with all participants queuing up, ensuring none were left out.
Logistically, Bonnie had just 60 seconds with each participant to complete the controversial ‘challenge.’
Sparks has since reflected on competing in a similar stunt and doesn’t look back at the record fondly.
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