Credit: GoFundMe
MMA Star Dies Suddenly After Intense Exercise Aged 21
MMA star Jake Sendler has tragically died at the age of 21.
The athlete’s untimely death occurred following a fight in Melbourne on March 3, after which he was rushed to the hospital and placed in an induced coma.
His mother, Sharone, spoke of her son’s warrior spirit and expressed hope his story would warn other athletes.
“Jake was an absolute warrior, such a good man. He would never want this to happen to anyone,” she said, per MailOnline.
She urged fighters to pay close attention to their bodies, adding: “Our message is to listen to your bodies, but keep being great and follow your dreams.”
A GoFundMe campaign has been launched in Sendler’s honor. Funds are directed toward his family, funeral expenses, and initiatives raising awareness about rhabdomyolysis.
A heartfelt message on the page describes him as ‘not only a fighter in the MMA ring but also a true warrior in life.’
The tribute highlights his dedication as an athlete, coach, and friend, emphasizing his ‘generous heart, boundless energy, and unwavering support’ for those around him.

Sendler’s condition, later identified as rhabdomyolysis, is a rare but serious illness caused by extreme muscle breakdown.
This breakdown releases muscle fibers and toxins into the bloodstream, which can result in kidney failure.
Despite undergoing multiple surgeries and blood transfusions, Sendler ultimately succumbed to the illness.
According to a source within the fight industry, Sendler had been attempting to lose a significant amount of weight in the days leading up to his match.
“He told people he trained with on the Friday before the fight, approximately 48 hours before stepping into the ring, that he still had five to six kilos to drop,” the source told News Corp.
Given that his usual weight was around 75kg, this meant he was trying to shed nearly seven percent of his total body weight in just two days.
Sharone also revealed that her son had been experiencing symptoms in the days before his final fight, including muscle pain and dark-colored urine – both warning signs of rhabdomyolysis.

However, he had dismissed these symptoms as mere effects of his intense training regimen.
“Jake, because he works so hard, he put those things down to him training so much. He went into that ring and gave everything like he was already suffering,” his mother said.
“So we know now that his body had already given in and his kidneys were already at 40 percent. And he fought the three rounds.”
On the GoFundMe page, a message reads: “While preparing for an upcoming fight, Jake unknowingly pushed through worsening symptoms.
“He continued training, working, and coaching, unaware that his body was shutting down. Astonishingly, even as his organs were failing, Jake stepped into the ring one final time and fought courageously, demonstrating incredible determination and strength.”
Despite medical professionals’ best efforts to save him, Sendler’s condition deteriorated rapidly, leading to multi-organ failure.
His doctors described his case as one of the most severe instances of rhabdomyolysis they had ever encountered.
You can donate to the Jake Sendler GoFundMe here.
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