Credit: Blumhouse Productions
Netflix Viewers Terrified By ‘Disturbing’ Horror Film Rated ’10/10′ By Fans
A Netflix horror movie currently has a 100% viewer rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
Of course, many will stand firm this Halloween and opt to watch their all-time favorites like It (2017) and The Conjuring (2013) – but now viewers are being urged to branch out and give this potential future classic a whirl.
There are dozens of horror films at Netflix viewers’ disposal that aren’t particularly well-known but are perfectly terrifying enough to give those looking for a shot of fear what they want.
However, there is one film in particular that has got people talking and suitably terrified.

Creep 2 is the 2017 sequel to the first Creep film released in 2014 – which focused on a serial killer who lures in and captures videographers before killing them.
The second film is written by the same people – Patrick Brice and Mark Duplass – starring the latter in the lead role as the murderous ‘Aaron’.
Incredibly, both Creep and Creep 2 boast 100% Rotten Tomatoes ratings – which would suggest these films are definitely worth watching.
However, Creep 2 is the one that’s been singled out for particular praise.
The Hollywood Reporter said: “The sequel will impress any fan of the original. It’s fresher than most of the low-budget thrillers gracing theatres lately.”
GQ penned: “A micro-budget found-footage slasher that succeeds on its own terms, mining cringes and laughs out of a slow-burn plot and a joyously unnerving performance from Duplass.”
Consequence wrote: “You’re never truly convinced the narrative is going the way you think it’s going, and while that may be frustrating to some (aka, those who don’t understand the concept of psychological thrillers), it’s almost enchanting for those looking for one good scare.”

The film’s synopsis does not give much away in terms of plot, only that viewers can expect more of the same stuff seen in the original.
It reads: “A video artist who craves shocking stories realizes she has made a mistake when she meets a serial killer in a cabin.”
Creep 2 is available to stream for free on Netflix, provided you are already subscribed to the service.
One person said of the sequel: “Creep 2 might be one of my favorite horror movies.
“Great meta-study of the found-footage genre, twice as scary as it has any right to be because of how funny it is.
“Catches you off guard and you never get your footing back.”
A second said: “I think it’s so hard to do sequels right and they suck most of the time, but Creep 2 was such an immaculate follow-up. Like, it’s perfect.”
“Watching Creep 2 for the millionth time. I love this movie so much,” added another.
A third commented: “Creep 2 lived up to the hyped!
“The sense of unease all throughout the film keeps you engaged.”
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