Chris Pratt's Most CONTROVERSIAL Opinions 😂 | Chris Pratt Interview | Garfield
Garfield Movie Chris Pratt Ahead of the release of The Garfield Movie, Simon from IGV sat down with Garfield himself, Chris Pratt, to get his most controversial opinions in our game of Overrated Or Underrated! We ask Chris Pratt to give us his honest thoughts on Parks And Rec, setting up an Instagram account for your pets and cuddling a cat... Plus Chris Pratt gives us his most controversial opinion ever, that he doesn't like lasagne! Thanks so much for watching our Garfield Movie interview with Chris Pratt and if you enjoyed it in the make sure you check out our latest interview with The Bridgerton cast below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eerAmNM5tuA Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to IGV Presents! #ChrisPratt #Garfield #TheGarfieldMovie FOLLOW US ON TIKTOK: www.tiktok.com/@igvpresents FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/ItsGoneViralOfficial FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/itsgoneviralofficial FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: www.twitter.com/itsgoneviraI OUR WEBSITE: komi.social