French astrologer Nostradamus has made five chilling predictions for 2023. Credit:
Fortune Teller Nostradamus Made Five Chilling Predictions For 2023
Fortune teller Nostradamus made five chilling predictions for 2023.
The French astrologer, physician and visionary made a number of eerily accurate predictions during the 16th Century.
Some claim that he predicted the rise of Adolf Hitler, JFK’s assassination and 9/11.
And he’s made five worrying predictions for the year ahead.
Check out other predictions Nostradamus made for 2023 below…
Nostradamus wrote his book Les Propheties (1555) in verses known as quatrains.
They don’t reference specific years which makes them difficult to interpret.
But there are enough clues in his work to give an idea of what 2023 could have in store.
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Firstly, he predicts a great war, which might refer to both the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the recent Isreal and Hamas dispute.
He wrote: “Seven months, great war, people dead through evil.”
His next prediction will likely upset Elon Musk, as Nostradamus suggests 2023 will spell the end of Mars.
The SpaceX founder, 52, hopes humans will soon set foot on the red planet.
However, Nostradamus cryptically wrote: “The light of Mars will go out.”
He also predicts an economic disaster so bad that humans turn to cannibalism. Yikes.
“So high will the bushel of wheat rise that man will be eating his fellow man,” he wrote.
The pandemic and war in Ukraine have seen people across the globe hit with food shortages and surging prices.

Many financial experts say that the situation will worsen before it gets better and, unfortunately, Nostradamus thought the same.
There are also growing concerns about climate change, with CO2 levels and global temperatures rising.
This is also something Nostradamus saw coming for 2023, and he suggests the worst is yet to come.
He wrote: “For forty years the rainbow will not be seen.
“For forty years it will be seen every day.
“The dry earth will grow more parched, and there will be great floods when it is seen.”
While his prediction sounds like a looming apocalypse, his mention of a ‘dry earth’ growing more ‘parched’ does point to the effects of global warming.
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His fifth and final forecast for 2023 is civil unrest.
Again, this is by no means out of the question considering workers’ strikes in the UK and the previously mentioned cost-of-living crisis.
Nostradamus wrote: “The trumpet shakes with great discord.
“An agreement broken: lifting the face to heaven: the bloody mouth will swim with blood; the face anointed with milk and honey lies on the ground.”
While he suggests that civil unrest will be violent, he’s right in predicting people’s anger about the way things are going.
So there you have it, Nostradamus believes 2023 won’t be any better than 2022 and with not much time left in the year, let’s hope that 2024 is much more cheerful.