Credit: Soft White Underbelly via YouTube
America’s Most Inbred Family Speak Out After Being Exposed As ‘Liars’
America‘s most inbred family has spoken out after being exposed as ‘liars.’
Photographer and director Mark Laita has filmed the Whittakers from Odd, West Virginia, for over two decades.
Over the years, he’s created a relationship with the family and helped them financially.
Laita is believed to have first visited the Whittakers in 2004 when he photographed them for his book ‘Created Equal,’ which explores diverse American cultures and backgrounds.
He’s since gained the family’s trust and documents them on his YouTube channel Soft White Underbelly, which involves ‘interviews and portraits of the human condition.’
Yet earlier this year, he drastically cut ties with the Whittakers.

Coined ‘America’s most inbred family,’ the Whittakers reportedly have a long history of inbreeding. Some family members communicate through grunts, barks, and hand gestures while others flee when outsiders try to make contact.
There are believed to be some family members Laita hasn’t met, however, he often documents Betty, Lorraine, Ray, Timmy, and Larry.
During an appearance on Danny Jones’ YouTube channel, the director said: “I would bet that inbreeding was at least partly responsible for the mental and physical abnormalities seen.”
On Soft White Underbelly, Laita has also documented the poor living conditions the Whittakers live in, which at one point led him to launch two GoFundMe pages.
But such fundraising came to a halt following a series of events.

It all began when YouTube creator Tyler Oliveira posted a video documenting the poorest areas of America, featuring the Whittakers.
When interviewed by Oliveira, Betty claimed she didn’t know what had happened to the fundraising money.
This statement deeply affected the director, who posted a video response.
He claimed the family had consistently asked him for money and what they used the funding for was unknown. Backing up his claims, Laita showed bank statements in which he sent money to the family.
Before the director decided to cut ties, he reached out to Betty to clarify whether she understood he hadn’t withheld any money, to which she appeared confused.
Yet things escalated even further.

Earlier this year, Larry’s daughter BJ falsely claimed her father had died and asked for funding from Laita for funeral arrangements.
However, it soon emerged that Larry was alive and well.
When Laita reached out to the family for answers, BJ admitted she’d lied about her father’s passing.
She said: “I’m not proud of what I’ve done. I shouldn’t have done it.”
Although the family appeared apologetic for the deception, this wouldn’t be the final time they lied to Laita.

Larry reportedly asked if he could have further funding from Laita to help his daughter start afresh in North Carolina.
However, the father kept the money and did not take BJ anywhere.
In a follow-up video with Jason Whittaker, the family’s cousin, Laita said: “I don’t know what to do with them other than just walk away.”
Yet the director hasn’t stuck to this and has visited the family once again, which he documented in a video titled ‘Thicker Than Water.’
In response to the clip, one fan writes: “This is what life is about, forgiveness and understanding! Mark, I am so pleased that you had this reunion.”
Another adds: “Forgive and forget, life is too short… You’re a good person Mark.”
“Thank you for taking us for the visit Mark. This is wonderful to see their faces doing well and alive,” a third responds.

In the heartwarming video, Laita pulls up to the family house and greets Larry, who shakes his hand and apologizes.
He says: “I’m sorry for what they’ve done to you and I want to tell the whole world that I’m sorry for what they done.”
Laita accepts the apology and acknowledges that he’s missed the Whittakers, saying: “I’m very good at forgiving and understanding. I’ve missed you guys, I think a lot of my viewers have missed you guys too.”
The director has decided to launch another GoFundMe for the family, hoping to raise $100,000 for their ‘living expenses and maintaining their home.’
It’s noted: “A conservator will be distributing funds in a responsible manner to help Betty, Lorraine, Ray, Timmy, and Larry Whittaker.”
You can donate to the GoFundMe here.
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