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Dark Truth Behind Cabbage Patch Kids May Ruin Your Childhood
Many people are only just uncovering the creepy lore behind Cabbage Patch Kids. Warning – it may ruin your childhood.
Tons of children’s toys have come and gone over the years, but few are as memorable as the moon-faced babies.
The toy, a cloth doll with a plastic head, first hit store shelves in the ‘80s and quickly became a popular line.
As the doll was in such demand, there were even a series of violent customer outbursts, now referred to as ‘Cabbage Patch riots,’ involving customers fighting to obtain one.
While Cabbage Patch Kids may have a huge fanbase, even now, others have been left creeped out after learning the dark truth behind the line.

Many people have reacted on social media after finding out such trivia.
One person simply writes: “That’s creepy.”
Another adds: “I don’t even want to know! I love my Cabbage Patch Kid.”
“I always thought they were creepy,” somebody else says.
A fourth person comments: “Wish I didn’t know this.”
Cabbage Patch Kids may have been extremely popular with children but unlike many toys, this doll collection also has a big following with adults.
The dolls have a unique selling point – they come with novelty adoption papers and birth certificates (yes, really).
It’s made even weirder by the fact the dolls are ‘delivered’ by staff adopting the roles of doctors and nurses at the Dolls Hospital, which still exists today.

New Georgia Encylopedia says potential doll owners who enter Babyland General Hospital are greeted in reception by people wearing medical scrubs.
The hospital concept continues throughout the building, which includes a maternity ward and a ‘preemie’ maternity ward.
Another bizarre feature of the Babyland General is the ‘Magic Crystal Tree,’ where the ‘babies’ are ‘born.’
Visitors are encouraged to suggest names for the dolls, which will then feature on the adoption papers.
Cabbage Patch Kids sales may have declined over the years, however, the Babyland General remains a major tourist attraction in Cleveland, Georgia.

But the doll’s lore becomes even stranger once you learn of the eerie fairytale, which includes Cabbage Patch Kids originator Xavier Roberts, on the toy’s official website.
It follows an unusual creature – part bee, part rabbit – who finds a young boy named Xavier playing in the North Georgia woods.
Xavier follows the inventively named Bunnybee into the woods, only to see the ‘puffball’ disappear behind a waterfall.
After scampering around the forest, the young boy follows Bunnybee behind the waterfall, uncovering a field of cabbages. Astonishingly, he finds even more Bunnybees, who happen to be sprinkling magical crystals onto the cabbages.
Believe it or not, the bizarreness doesn’t stop there.
Xavier meets a Cabbage boy named Otis Lee, who tells him his destiny is to help the Cabbage Patch babies find a place to call home – thus Babyland General begins!
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