Credit: @elizabethannecastaldi/Instagram
Gen Z Woman Dating Millennial Man Shocked By His Text To Her After Their First Date
A Gen Z woman has gone viral after sharing a controversial message a millennial man sent to her.
Gen Z is defined as anyone born between 1997 and 2012, while millennials are born between 1981 and 1996.
Generational differences in their communication styles have once again sparked debate online, with this time it being over a seemingly simple text message.
Elizabeth Castaldi, a 27-year-old content creator from the U.S., was left confused after receiving a text from a 35-year-old man following their first date.
After receiving the message, Castaldi posted a TikTok video with the caption: “I have to start dating people my own age (but I won’t).”
She added a tongue-in-cheek remark: “Is he a bad texter or is he 35?”
Castaldi’s video quickly went viral, gathering over 500,000 views and sparking widespread discussion.

The 35-year-old man sent Castaldi a message reading: “Hey, had fun last night. Have a good day.”
It triggered a lively online discussion about the contrasting texting norms between generations.
While Castaldi was not offended by the text or given ‘the ick’ as some TikTokers presumed, she admitted to finding the text difficult to interpret regarding the man’s interest in seeing her again.
In the comments under the video, she added: “I just can’t read him and I really, really want to go on a second date.”

Many TikTokers took to the comments and assured Castaldi the guy seemed interested.
One person wrote: “Millennial here! That’s actually a sweet text… I think.”
In agreement, another added: “Can I ask, what should it say? I definitely say the same thing.”
“He’s in love with you, trust me,” a third said.
Yet younger viewers sided with Castaldi, arguing that the message was overly formal and failed to convey genuine interest.
“No, because there is no conversation continuing after that, I’m done,” commented a TikToker.
A second said: “Duke! It’s painful, tragic!”
Meanwhile, others suggested an emoji or two, or an invitation for a follow-up date would have suggested keenness.
Despite Castaldi’s efforts to clarify her feelings, the exchange with her date did not progress as hoped.
After responding with: “Me too! Hope your day is going well,” she attempted to arrange another meeting.
However, her date cited a busy work schedule and suggested they ‘play it by ear.’
Sensing a lack of enthusiasm, Castaldi left it up to the guy to initiate future plans.
Related Article: Gen Z Woman Shares The ‘Millennial’ Phrases That Expose Your Real Age
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