Credit: @theisabelbrown/TikTok
Woman Shares Why ‘Nerds’ Make The Best Husbands
A woman has revealed why ‘nerds’ make the best husbands.
The term ‘nerd’ often refers to someone enthusiastic about a specific subject – either something niche or something that has extreme fanfare.
This can range from something like the Star Wars films, comics or video games.
Thanks to the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and shows like Big Bang Theory and Doctor Who, it’s become quite cool to be a geek.
And now a woman has explained on TikTok why ‘nerds’ make the best husbands.
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People have immediately taken to the TikToker’s comments section and reacted.
One person says: “Let’s face it, Henry Cavill is one of the biggest nerds out there. Majorly into Warhammer and gaming #justsaying.”
“Facts. My nerdy husband is the best,” agrees another user.
A third person shares: “My husband and I played Monopoly on our first date. He treats me like a queen.”
Someone else pens: “Bonus: mine is good at math. Last year my oldest took algebra and [my] husband was like ‘I got this’ and dammit my 7th grader got an A for the year.”
Even the official LEGO TikTok has commented: “If he owns a LEGO set: green flag,” prompting the response: “THE GREENEST FLAG.”

However, not everyone agrees with this take.
One TikToker insists: “I’ve only dated nerds and not all of them are nice.”
A second says: “I think it depends. My ex was a big fan of LOTR (Lord Of The Rings) and video games. So a bit nerdy, but unfortunately video games consumed all his time and attention.”
“Hate to tell you this but that’s not always true,” shares a third.
But for those who think ‘nerds’ make the best partners, how come? Wellbeing website YourTango has given ten reasons to support this theory:
10. Great sense of humour
YourTango notes that ‘nerds’ often have an amazing sense of humour, ensuring that you guys will always have a fun time together.
The outlet adds: “Because they’re so smart, wit comes naturally to them; however, they’re not a pretentious bunch.”
9. Genuinely nice friends
“Forget overgrown frat boys and sports-obsessed meatheads. You are likely to inherit a couple of sweet and sensitive nerdy guy friends when you marry one of their clans,” the publisher writes.
If your partner’s friends are anything like he is, you know that he has a great friendship group who will be easy to get along with.
8. Trivia teammates
This may be more of a novelty point, but your nerdy partner is incredibly likely to be full of the most random knowledge ever.
This means that, more often than not, they’ll be an excellent partner in a pub quiz – which is certainly a nice date night idea, especially if you win.

7. Low-maintenance
“Most geeky men couldn’t care less if you have designer shoes,” YourTango writes.
“And unfortunately, if that’s your thing, they probably couldn’t identify them either. Your nerdy hubby is likely to prefer you fresh-faced and in your comfiest clothes.”
6. Loyal by nature
As mentioned earlier, nerds are often so passionate about their interests that they will defend them – no matter what.
Marvel or DC? That’s an argument that has gone on for decades. Lord of the Rings is better than Game of Thrones? Geeks will fight their corner no matter what.
While this may seem extreme, you can be assured that, if they are loyal to a fandom they’ll absolutely be loyal to you.
5. Successful
The outlet also claims that most nerds tend to be financially secure and are successful in their careers.
Fortune and success aren’t everything, but if your man is dedicated and smart enough to land a high-paying job… well, that’s just a bonus!

4. Extremely thoughtful
The outlet also claims that nerds are usually extremely thoughtful and will remember all of your special occasions.
They write: “He can give you an accurate figure of how long you’ve been dating, engaged, or married right down to the day. Your husband will also check the ratings and reviews on almost every product that he buys (hello Amazon!), only selecting the best for you.”
3. Creative
YourTango writes that geeky men are often incredibly creative.
Birthday coming up? Date night? Are you house hunting or looking for the perfect way to spend a weekend? Your nerdy hubby has it covered.
2. Passionate about stuff — and lots of it
Nerd culture is something that you have to be extremely enthusiastic about and dedicated to.
This can mean anything from spending hours on video games to building computers – but, whatever it is, you know he’ll be passionate about it.
“This works out great because now you have extra time on Tuesday nights for a Netflix marathon or a night out with the girls while your man runs his weekly DnD session,” YourTango continues.
“The best part? He doesn’t expect you to be interested in his hobbies and doesn’t feel the need to explain them to you either. There’s always stuff the two of you could do together.”
1. Personal techie for life
Probably one of the most important things you can look for in a modern relationship is someone who can manage technology and know how to fix it.
YourTango ranks this as the number one perk you could gain from marrying a nerd.
“In fact, your nerdy hubby might even revel in the moments when he gets to demonstrate his technical prowess for you,” the outlet writes.
This has been vouched for by podcaster Isabel Brown, who believes that ‘nerds’ are thoughtful, attentive, good fathers, and know how to ‘spoil’ their wives.

Brown explains in a TikTok video, which has now reached over 6.7 million views: “It honestly blows my mind how we have this entire trope in American literature and movies and TV shows about the nerdy girl who gets the glow-up when she grows up.”
In her opinion, we should be taking those nerdy traits as ‘green flags’.
She continues: “Hear me loud and clear, if he owns a lightsaber – green flag.
“If he has purchased a wand from the wizarding world of Harry Potter — greenest possible flag. If he has an unhealthy obsession with Ashoka Tano, you better run to the altar.”
Brown even says that if a guy is obsessed with Monopoly, you should consider it as ‘bonus points’.
“Those little underestimated need boys grow up to be men who see what’s [inside],” the podcaster concludes.
@theisabelbrownNerds make the best husbands. It’s a fact.♬ original sound – Isabel Brown