Credit: @athos_salome/Instagram & Alamy
‘Living Nostradamus’ Shares Five Chilling Predictions For 2024
Athos Salomé – the self-proclaimed ‘living Nostradamus’ – has shared his five chilling predictions for 2024.
Nostradamus was a French astrologer, physician and visionary who made several eerily accurate predictions during the 16th century.
In his book ‘Les Prophéties’, it is believed that he accurately predicted the rise of Adolf Hitler and JFK’s assassination.
Now the ‘living Nostradamus’ has made his own predictions for 2024.
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Salomé, from Brazil, has previously gone viral in the past with his grim predictions for humanity’s future.
And now the ‘living Nostradamus’ has shared his prediction for 2024 with The Sun – and he hints at a bleak year.
Robot rebellion
Firstly, Salomé believes that 2024 will be the year when superhuman intelligence systems – such as AI – will achieve self-awareness and become self-conscious digital minds that can function without any human input.
Fears of AI becoming sentient have grown in recent times – especially as it is being used more and more in our day-to-day lives.
Salomé reckons that computers will soon start to develop their own language that humans won’t understand, which will lead to the robotic systems rebelling.
He adds: “Equipped with self-improvement capabilities and covert communication channels – it could lead machines and us down a very perilous path.”
World War Three
With the ongoing Russia and Ukraine war and the Israel-Hamas conflict, Salomé believes that World War Three is no longer unlikely, but an ‘urgent reality’.
However, he predicts that the war will suddenly be triggered by either an event in the South China Sea or a major cyber attack and not from the two ongoing conflicts.
Due to the ongoing cost of living crisis, Salomé suggests that any war that breaks out will have a severe impact on the global economy.

Global catastrophe
In 2023, numerous natural disasters took many lives – including an earthquake in Turkey and Syria and Storm Daniel in Libya.
If you are hoping that 2024 will be a better year, then Salomé unfortunately has some bad news.
He predicts that there will be three major catastrophes in South Sudan, Somalia and Yemen.
The seer also suggests that the US will be focused on battling fire and water – such as hurricanes and tropical storms near the Gulf of Mexico.
While California, Oregon and Washington could suffer from more forest fires.
Humans making contact with aliens
Depending on which way you look at it, this prediction could either be exciting or extremely terrifying.
Salomé believes that 2024 will be the year that humans finally make contact with aliens.
However, he warns that it won’t be something out of a sci-fi film – such as spaceships invading Earth.
Instead, he predicts that humans and aliens will communicate through ‘encrypted signals intercepted by a network of telescopes’.

Asteroid plunges to Earth
Finally, the fortune teller claims that an ‘asteroid abundant with rich materials’ will arrive on Earth in 2024.
This space rock will apparently be made up of never-before-seen ancient space materials and will spark the new space race as different global superpowers – such as China and Russia – battle one another to get their hands on a piece of it.
While these predictions may seem worrying, the seer has pointed out that he does not want to cause panic due to his predictions as nothing is set in stone and there is always the possibility they can change.