Credit: Facebook
Woman Issues Warning After Being Targeted By Burglar’s ‘Kidney Bean Trick’
A woman has issued an urgent warning after being targeted by a disturbing ‘kidney bean trick.’
A homeowner from the U.K. has taken to Facebook to inform others that she woke up to find an entire tin of kidney beans on her front doorstep.
Initially, she thought it was a silly prank someone had played on her but after explaining the incident to a relative, who was an ex-police officer, she learned there was a much more sinister reason behind it.

According to the former officer, burglars use kidney beans to learn whether people are home.
If the mess is cleaned up it’s a sign they’re home, but if they leave it then the burglars presume the house is free.
The woman posted on Facebook: “Well I woke up to this left on our doorstep this morning.
“Apparently, this is a known trick of burglars. If not cleaned up in a couple of days they know you are not home and in they go.
“Thankfully I’m home and cleaned this up, whoever it was done this about 1 a.m. this morning. Look out for your neighbors, especially those who are on holiday.”

In an interview with the Manchester Evening News, the woman said the trick doesn’t just involve kidney beans but other foods.
She added: “They use anything that you would have to clean up and that is not going to wash away with a bit of rain.”
Following the incident, the homeowner has kept an eye out for elderly neighbors while ensuring all her front doors are locked and secured.
She said: “I posted about it because I wanted to warn people and get them to look out for each other.
“If it helps one person it was worth it.”
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