Credit: ITV
‘World’s Most Jealous Woman’ Makes Partner Take Lie Detector Test Every Time He Comes Home
The ‘world’s most jealous woman’ reportedly makes her husband take a lie detector test every time he comes home.
There is nothing wrong with a tiny bit of jealousy in a relationship.
Now and then, you are bound to experience some envious feelings if your significant other has attracted some attention from another person.
However, one woman has taken her jealousy to extreme lengths.

In an interview on This Morning in 2013, Debbi Wood and her husband Steve, from the U.K., were quizzed on their relationship.
Their relationship’s strict rules began before they even lived together – Debbi became ‘resentful’ after learning Steve was dating someone else before they’d agreed to be boyfriend and girlfriend.
Due to this ‘deception,’ the lie detector came about.
The idea was actually first mentioned by Steve, who casually said he’d take a lie detector to prove he hadn’t done anything wrong.
But the lie detector isn’t the only way their relationship is intense.
Debbi has also acknowledged that she controls her husband’s TV habit and installed childproof filters on his laptop and phone to prevent him from seeing explicit photos of women.
She explained (per Daily Mail): “One night, an advert for a women’s razor came on television and I felt panicky thinking that Steve was eyeing the model up.
“The only thing that could put my mind at rest was banning him from watching any programs that have women in them.”

Debbi was diagnosed with Othello Syndrome in 2013, with the condition affecting her so badly that she barely leaves the house.
The National Institutes of Health explains: “Othello syndrome is a psychotic disorder characterized by delusion of infidelity or jealousy; it often occurs in the context of medical, psychiatric or neurological disorders.”
Debbi has acknowledged that the condition has led her jealousy to go to ‘breaking point’ on occasion.
“I put Steve through a lot but he’s stood by me through it all so I know he’s the man for me. I think lots of women out there must be suffering from the same condition and just not realize it,” she said.
Debbi said societal pressures, such as women being expected to look a certain way, could be why she struggles with jealousy.
Although his wife’s behavior may seem strict to some, Steve has insisted she’s worth it.
He said: “I’m willing to put up with it because I know we’re soulmates. She’s so special to me and a bit of jealousy here and there won’t change that.”
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