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Facebook Users Are Only Just Finding Out What Happens To Your Account When You Die
It’s probably not crossed your mind what happens to your Facebook profile when you die but it turns out there are options few know about.
The platform allows you to stay connected with family and friends and share thoughts, activities, photos, and videos from your life.
For those who’ve been on Facebook since the early days of the 2000s, it serves as a comprehensive record of your life.
But what happens to all these memories and special moments when you pass away?

People have been sharing their experiences interacting with Facebook profiles following a loved one’s passing.
One person writes: “I will never delete my dad’s FB page, it’s comforting to see the memories pop up.”
Another agrees: “My dad’s is still up and I love to see his comments on my Facebook memories. I’ll never remove him from my FB and just like anyone else I’ve lost, their number is still in my phone contacts.”
A third adds: “I have over a dozen Facebook friends that are deceased, including my husband. I like seeing memories pop up and past comments from them, or their birthdays. It’s a nice way to remember them as they lived.”
Facebook’s creator, Meta, has several options available to users, allowing them to memorialize their profile.

To prevent your Facebook profile from disappearing, you can choose to memorialize it. This involves the word ‘remembering’ being displayed next to your name.
You can confirm this while you are alive, or your family and friends can make this request after your passing.
This helpful option ensures your loved ones can still access your content, such as messages and photos.
It also means they can post independently to a deceased person’s Facebook account, depending on privacy settings.
All original content by the deceased person will remain on the Facebook profile, continuing to be visible to the people with whom it was originally shared.
To memorialize your account, click your profile photo in the top right of Facebook, click Settings & Privacy, then Settings, click Accounts Center followed by Personal Details. Here, you should be able to see Account ownership and control, with the option of Memorialization.

Facebook also allows you to set up a legacy contact, an individual user who can access your memorialized profile.
The selected user can manage tribute posts to the profile, respond to friend requests, update profile pictures and cover photos, and delete the account.
Although various options will be available to the user, they won’t be able to make new posts appear as the account user or view private messages.
It’s worth noting if you delete your or the person’s profile following death, all messages, posts, photos, and comments will be permanently removed from the platform, per Facebook.
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