Credit: @patricia_rite/TikTok
Patricia Rite Has Died Aged 30
Patricia Rite has tragically died aged 30.
Rite, from Huelva, Spain, was an influencer with a staggering 241,000 TikTok followers and more than 100,000 Instagram followers.
She regularly posted content about clothes, makeup and lifestyle brands.
Rite was also a reality TV star, having appeared on the Spanish show Mujeres y Hombres y Viceversa.
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Rite’s tragic passing was confirmed in a statement from her family.
It read: “Patricia left us. Her mother and her relatives ask for respect in these hard times.
“Thank you to all the people, who in one way or another, gave her support and love during this time, directly or indirectly.”
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Four years ago, Rite had been diagnosed with skin cancer.
Following the diagnosis, she began to use social media to spread awareness and document her condition.
In her final Instagram post on April 5, Rite said: “Busy week, I was going to be treated on Tuesday but was finally admitted to hospital and treated on Friday.
“Since then, bad vomiting with an achy body until yesterday.
“I couldn’t move from the bathroom and I felt terrible.
“Today, I feel a little stronger. Since yesterday, I haven’t vomited and I’ve started eating, which I hadn’t done since Friday, and I’m starting to improve.
“Let’s go little by little.”
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Many people have taken to social media and paid tribute to Rite.
One follower writes: “A huge hug to the whole family, I’m so sorry from the bottom of my heart.”
A second person comments: “My blonde! Pfff you will be missed! But you left as what you are, a true warrior!
“Now light up from above with that smile and those big blue eyes.”
While another person says: “This just broke my heart. Kisses to heaven.”
Somebody else pens: “A huge hug to the whole family, I’m so sorry from the bottom of my heart.
“I cannot believe it. Life is super unfair, Patri.”
“Fly high, ever since I met you, you inspired me,” another says.
“My heart just skipped a beat. RIP precious, and a huge hug to her mother, family and friends.”
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At the time Rite had just been diagnosed with skin cancer, she reportedly said that the diagnosis came about due to a strange mole.
According to NHS Inform, skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the world.
It is usually caused by ultraviolet light, which comes from the sun and sunbeds.
There are certain things that can increase your chances of developing the condition, including having pale skin, having a large number of freckles or moles and having a family history of the condition.
It affects slightly more men than women.
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