Credit: Six Entertainment Company
The Human Centipede Actors Had To Go Through Terrifying Real-Life Ordeal While Filming Movie
The actors who worked on the controversial horror film The Human Centipede had to go through their own terrifying real-life experiences when making the movie.
The horror, which was released in 2009, follows a troubled German surgeon who kidnaps three tourists and surgically attaches them to each other by stitching their mouths to the other person’s a***.
Despite receiving mixed reviews and not performing well at the box office, the film became a cult classic and has spawned two sequels.
Now someone has shared the horrific experiences of those who worked on the movies.
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Cast members who worked on the franchise have spoken about their experiences, with Ashley C Williams – who starred in the first movie – sharing the number one question she gets asked by fans.
Speaking to The Guardian in 2020, she shared: “The number one question I get asked is did anyone fart in my mouth? No!
“We were very respectful of one another. The infamous scene where the character at the front of the centipede has to relieve himself was filmed in one take and took 10 seconds.
“It was easy but I was grateful Tom [the film’s director] didn’t film it for longer than he had to.”
She added that ‘the biggest issue’ she had when filming The Human Centipede was just how physically demanding the role was.
Williams shared that she had ‘to act like your flesh was being torn’ while moving her knees at the same time.
She also said that the prosthetic cheeks made it difficult for her to open her mouth to eat during breaks.

But now, there’s been an update…
TV presenter and DJ Alex Zane recently appeared on JaackMaate’s Happy Hour podcast to talk about everything films – from Rotten Tomatoes ratings to Star Wars.
At one point, they discuss the most horrific movies ever made, which is when The Human Centipede is brought up.
“You’ve got to imagine when you’re doing that, you think, well on set, everyone is really careful. It’s all done very professionally because it’s such a graphic and grotesque thing,” Zane said.
He went on to claim that he knew someone who worked on the second movie and he shared details about the filming conditions.
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Zane alleged on the podcast: “I knew someone who was The Human Centipede II.
“And [the actor] said ‘Yeah, no we were meant to have these special pants to wear, but they were paper thin’.
“So you really did have your face… And she said it was horrible because you have your nose in between the buttocks of the person in front with very, very little protection.”
So yeah, it sounds like the working conditions in the film were almost as bad as what the characters went through in The Human Centipede.