Credit: @trekfit/TikTok
Gen Z Worker Sparks Debate After Refusing To Go To 8am Meeting Because They Had A Workout Class
A Gen-Z employee has sparked a fierce debate online after they explained they can’t attend 8am meetings as they need to go to the gym.
The war between Gen Z-ers and millennials rages on.
First, Gen Z shared the way they can spot millennials at the club, then, they ‘cancelled’ millennials beloved skinny jeans, and now, they’re sparking a fresh debate about our generational working habits.
An anonymous Gen Z-er divided the internet after they claimed they couldn’t make it into the office at 8am as they would be at the gym.
But now, many TikTokers and podcasters have weighed in on their comments, with people feeling pretty strongly on both sides…
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This drama all started when hosts of the podcast Demoted, Natalie Marie and Ross Pomerantz, shared an email they’d received from a listener.
The listener was complaining about an anonymous Gen-Z employee, who refused to attend an 8am meeting because it conflicted with their ‘workout class’.
In the now-deleted podcast clip, Natalie hits back: “You just started this job. I don’t give a flying s*** about your workout class. Also, an 8am workout class is too late. Work out at six, maybe seven.”
Ross adds: “My visceral reaction was are you f***ing kidding me? My hand’s shaking, and it’s not from the caffeine.
“To monopolise your calendar for things that I would consider to be personal time, that’s gonna be a ‘no’ for me dog. You’re going to have to give up some things.”

Natalie then agrees: “You’re not really allowed to do that when you’re first starting your career I’m sorry.”
Natalie and Ross’s emphatic response to this Gen-Zer’s work-life balance prompted a huge debate online, with a major argument coming from fellow TikToker Alexandre Evidente.
His viral video has so far amassed more than 32 million views!
People were quick to flood his comment section with statements agreeing with Alexandre, with one writing: “Yeah, don’t normalise working outside work hours. Once you give in, there will be a second and third time.”
Another adds: “You are 100 per cent in the right. This reaction was perfect.”
A third laughs: “It blows my mind that people cannot grasp that if I’m not being paid I will not be working.”
Others pointed out that this difference in attitude to the work-life balance is a generational issue.
One writes: “Definitely a generation issue but not younger its older. Jobs need to get over this idea that they own their employees.”
“I love this because we millennials are accustomed to sacrificing so much for a job. We didn’t know such boundaries exist,” another points out.
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Putting himself in the place of this anonymous Gen-Z employee, Alexandre questions: “OK, let’s just say I skip the gym. Two things. When can I expect you to reimburse me for my class?
“And two, are you going to be paying me from 8am to 9am? Or at the very least let me leave at 4pm.
“Natalie, if your answer to both of those are ‘no’ then there’s no discussion needed.”
@trekfit #stitch with @Demoted huhhhhh?#corporatelife #gymrat #worklifebalance ♬ original sound – Alexandre Evidente