
Greta Thunberg Defends Insulate Britain’s ‘Blocking Roads’ Tactic

Greta Thunberg has reportedly defended climate activists, including Insulate Britain, for their havoc-making tactics. 
Credit: @gretathunberg/Instagram & Pexels

Greta Thunberg has reportedly defended climate activists, including Insulate Britain, for their havoc-making tactics to spread awareness. 

On BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, the 18-year-old said that it’s okay for protestors to ‘anger people’ if it gets the important message about the environment across.

She explained: “To make clear, as long as no one gets hurt … then I think sometimes you need to anger some people.

Watch as drivers react to Insulate Britain protesters in the clip below…

“Like, for instance, the school strike movement would never have become so big if there wasn’t friction if some people didn’t get p***ed off.”

She then went on to say that people should be ‘grateful’ that they’re allowed to protest, as some countries, such as China, don’t give people these rights.

“It makes you just feel so grateful that we are actually able to protest and that just puts more responsibility on us who actually have the right to protest, to use that right,” she said. “Not just for our sake but for everyone’s sake, especially for their sake to help them as well.”

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Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg has reportedly defended climate activists, including the group Insulate Britain, for their havoc-making tactics to spread awareness. Credit: @gretathunberg/Instagram

Elsewhere in the chat, the teen was asked whether she thinks figures, such as the Pope, can help make a difference.

In response, she said: “I think when people like that speak up, I think it does make a real difference when they are bold enough.

“Of course, many people just do it because it makes them popular, it makes them sound good. But, I’m sure that there are many people who actually do it because they care as well.”

Watch our Video of the Day below… 

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Written by Aimee Walker

Aimee is a senior content editor at IGV who specialises in finding the best original stories, trending topics and entertainment news. She graduated from Birmingham City University with a degree in Media and Communications.