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How Much Money You Should Spend On Your Partner This Christmas As Average Amount Is Unveiled
With Christmas fast approaching, people are rushing to buy gifts for their loved ones. But there’s one question that seems to come up every year, how much should you spend on that special someone?
The holiday season tends to be an expensive one – with Christmas parties, festive drinks and of course, buying presents.
Each year, it seems that you have to buy more and more. To start with it’s just close family, and then gradually we start buying them for friends and even co-workers.
But before you know it, you get into a relationship and it’s time to get something for them too.
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If you’re unsure of how much you should be spending on your other half, CouponBirds has conducted a survey to give you an idea of what the correct amount should be.
With 2,000 participants, the organisation found out that adults spend $180.39 (£156.67) on gifts for their partner.
The survey also revealed that men were more likely to spend more money on their partners than women – with guys spending $222.50 (£177.13) compared to $156.50 (£124.59).

The most popular response was that people spend anything between $101 to $200 on a loved one’s gift – with 22% of participants stating this.
Out of that 22%, 48% of those aged 65 and over and 33% of those in the 55-64 age bracket.
However, younger generations tended to spend a bit less, with 33% of 18-24-year-olds spending between $21-$50 while 25% spent had a slightly higher budget of between $51 to $100.
The age range of the biggest spenders was 35-44 – who spent $206.20 on gifts on average.

Fortunately, it seems that people won’t be going crazy on presents as only 5% said that their budget is $401 to $500, while 2% spend $500 or more.
Even though people are willing to pay quite a bit for Christmas presents, it actually turns out you don’t need to spend that much on your partner to keep them happy.
The survey found that shoppers expect their better halves to spend about $171.29 (£136.32) on presents – which is around $10 less than they’d splash themselves.
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Hopefully, this survey has given you an idea of how much you spend on your loved one this festive season.
Anyone will tell you that buying Christmas presents can be stressful and is not as much fun as receiving presents.
But having a rough idea of what your budget is can make the shopping experience a little bit easier.