
Mom Accidentally Named Her Twins After TV Characters And People Won’t Stop Mocking Her

A mom who accidentally named her twins after TV characters has faced some serious mockery online.
Credit: Adobe Stock

A mom who accidentally named her twins after TV characters has faced some serious mockery.

When it comes to parenting, there are some major decisions to be made, but perhaps none is more important than choosing the name for your baby.

The name you choose will stick with your child for life and have unforeseen impacts on their future.

So making a mistake when picking out your baby’s name is something that could haunt a parent for years to come.

And one mom has shared her unfortunate story of doing… well, just that.

Writing anonymously in a now-deleted post on NetMums, a mother shared her story, including the names she realized also belonged to two famous TV characters far too late.

Blue-eyed baby
A mom who accidentally named her twins after TV characters has faced some serious mockery online. Credit: Alamy

People have had a lot of opinions on the subject, with one penning: “This is so unfortunate. Change the names.”

A second adds: “I’d change the names if I were you. Liking a name is not a reason to have your child bullied for life.”

“I didn’t realize that the name I gave my newborn is a popular TV show until a nurse told me. Her name is super uncommon too,” a third commenter commiserates.

While a fourth supportive mom offers: “I think it’s cute, your babies… who cares! They are not ridiculous names like some!”

The internet has had a lot to say about the babies’ controversial names. Credit: Alamy 

“Don’t get me wrong, I love both the names but I feel like I made the wrong decision and I always get awkward reactions when people ask,” the mom wrote.

“I had doubts originally when I first had them as I had been on Tramadol for days and felt like I may have rushed the decision.”

She continued: “I am due to go and register them soon and am feeling under pressure to make a decision by then.”

“My partner thinks I’m being ridiculous but I’m the one who spends more time with other parents and children and I always dread people’s reaction when they ask their names.”

The mom has taken to the internet to ask if the names are as bad as she suspects they might be. Credit: Adobe Stock

And as for the controversial names in question?

“I have twins which I named Charlie (boy) and Lola,” the mom admitted.

“If I do change a name it will be from Lola to Lila, so only one letter different and not too confusing for anyone, including the baby.

“I am worried about them being laughed at because of the program Charlie and Lola.

People have been quick to offer their opinions on the name choice, with the internet fairly divided on the subject.

The mom admitted she’s thinking of changing her babies’ names. Credit: Adobe Stock

One person wrote: “I personally think Lola is much nicer than Lila… and more unique too, I seem to see a lot of Layla and Lila but haven’t seen a Lola, I think it’s lovely.

“Of course, it’s your decision and as babies haven’t even been registered yet I don’t think it’s too late at all, your little girl won’t realize that was even her name yet and everybody else will get used to it.”

Another replied: “They’re all great names, maybe refer to them as Lola and Charlie? But it’s definitely not too late to change your daughters if you prefer Lila. Congratulations!”

A third added: “I would keep them if you like them – sod what others think.”

While a fourth said: “I’ll be honest and say it shouldn’t really matter why you named your children what you did, whether it’s linked to a TV program, book or song title or it just jumped out at you as a name you loved, that’s totally your business.”

What do you think of the names?

Related Article: Woman Names Her Daughter After A Disney Character: ‘I Don’t Care If People Hate It’

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Written by Annie Walton Doyle

Annie Walton Doyle is a content editor at IGV who specializes in trending, lifestyle, and entertainment news. She graduated from Goldsmiths, University of London, with a degree in English Literature. Annie has previously worked with organizations such as The Huffington Post, The Guardian, The Telegraph, Harvard University, the Pulitzer Prize, and 22 Words.