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Baba Vanga’s Terrifying Prediction That’s ‘Set To Come True’ After First Part Recently Happened
Baba Vanga, the blind Bulgarian mystic known for her astonishingly accurate prophecies, issued a chilling prediction that some believe is already unfolding.
With a surprising success rate attributed to her predictions, Vanga’s insights continue to capture global attention, particularly as recent events seem to align with one of her most ominous forecasts.
As we prepare to enter a new year, her words serve as a stark warning: a devastating event could soon spell disaster for the Western world.
And what’s worse – it looks like it’s already coming true.

Her prediction regarding the ‘fall of the West’ has raised alarms, especially among those who see parallels between her vision and current geopolitical events.
Baba Vanga’s legacy as a prophet is rooted in her foretelling of major historical events.
She predicted the 9/11 attacks with chilling specificity, reportedly stating: “Horror, horror. The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing.”
She also foresaw the tragic death of Princess Diana, the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, and even the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Among her most alarming predictions is one concerning Syria and a consequential global conflict.
Vanga reportedly said: “As soon as Syria falls, expect a great war between the West and the East.”
This prophecy has taken on new significance following the recent upheaval in Syria, where the government has faced collapse and President Bashar al-Assad sought asylum in Moscow after rebel groups seized control of key territories.
The ongoing turmoil in Syria and the broader geopolitical tensions seem to align with Vanga’s grim vision.
With two major wars currently unfolding and rising fears of a potential third world war, the mystic’s predictions appear more relevant than ever.
Notably, Russian officials have accused the UK of direct involvement in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, further fueling concerns of escalating tensions between East and West.
Baba Vanga’s foretelling of a catastrophic war that would destroy the West is particularly unsettling.
She stated: “In the spring, a war in the East will begin, and there will be a third World War. A war in the East that will destroy the West.”
Many interpret this as a dire warning of an event that could reshape global power dynamics.

In addition to predicting widespread destruction, Vanga’s prophecies include a chilling assertion that Russian President Vladimir Putin would emerge as a dominant global leader.
“All will thaw, as if ice, only one will remain untouched – Vladimir glory, glory of Russia,” she reportedly said.
Some believe this pertains to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict and its implications for Europe’s future.
Her warnings extend beyond the immediate future. Vanga predicted that the end of times would begin with devastating events in Europe, reducing its population and leaving it in ruins.
She foresaw the ultimate destruction of humanity in 5079 due to a catastrophic event, but her immediate concern lies with the potential fallout of current conflicts.
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