
Scientists Think They Know What’s Creating Titanic Submarine’s Sonar ‘Banging Sounds’

Scientists have shared possible theories behind the missing Titanic submarine 'banging noises'.
Credit: Alamy

Scientists think they know what is causing the ‘banging noises’ from the missing Titanic submarine which has been picked up through sonars.

The Titan submarine was transporting five passengers to the wreckage of the famous ship that sank in 1912 when one hour and 45 minutes into its journey, the US Coast Guard lost connection with the vessel.

It is believed to be stranded somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.

Reports say a banging sound has been detected every 30 minutes and now scientists think they know what it is.

Watch Titanic Expedition Leader G Michael Harris on the missing sub below…

Sonars reportedly detected banging sounds on June 20 from underneath the water in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Another crew, that was deployed four hours later, noticed the same banging noises according to a memo – which was obtained by CNN.

The memo adds: “Additional acoustic feedback was heard and will assist in vectoring surface assets and also indicating continued hope of survivors.”

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In another update reported by Rolling Stone, a Canadian P3 aircraft had apparently located a white rectangular object in the water.

But another ship which was set to investigate the object was diverted to help research the acoustic feedback instead.

However, USCG North East reports on its Twitter that the searches have ‘yielded negative results’.

Despite there being no confirmation of what the noise was, Rear Admiral John Mauger, from the US Coast Guard has had to report his findings to the US Navy.

Oceangate Submarine
‘Banging noises’ had been picked up by sonars. Credit: Alamy

Speaking at a press conference, he clarified that there are a lot of metal objects at the site – which is why it is important to find the appropriate navy experts who understand the science behind the noise.

He explains: “The data from the P-3 aircraft has been shared with our US Navy experts for further analysis which will be considered in future search plans.

“There is a lot of metal and different objects in the water around this site.

“That’s why it’s so important that we’ve engaged experts from the Navy that understand the science behind noise and can classify or give us better information about what the source of that noise may be.”

Sky News also reports that the US Navy’s initial analysis suggests that the banging could possibly just be ‘background noise’.

Mauger has told the outlet: “What’s important to me… is that we’ve continued search in the areas where the noise was detected with the ROVs that we have from the time of that detection, so we’re not waiting for this analysis to take action.”

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The search for the Titan submarine has now reached a crucial point as it is past the approximate time that the vessel would run out of air.

It had been reported that it would run out of oxygen at 12:08pm UK time (7:08 EST).

However, the search is still ongoing and Sky News has reported that the French remotely operated vehicle Victor 6000 has since been deployed from the research vessel L’Atalante.

The robot has arms – that are controlled remotely – which can cut cables and perform other manoeuvres that can release a stuck vessel.

It also has 6,000m diving capability means it can go even deeper than the wreckage of the Titanic.

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Written by Rosario Monachino

Rosario is a former content editor at IGV who specialised in film, TV and entertainment news. He has a degree in English and Film from the University of Salford and a masters in Journalism from Liverpool John Moores University.