Credit: Kirsten Drysdale & ABC
Mum Left Speechless After Her Joke Attempt At Naming Son Ends Up Being Officially Accepted
We’re in the era of bizarre and wacky baby names – largely thanks to celebrities – but one woman decided to see how far she could take this and has been left gobsmacked.
ABC TV presenter Kirsten Drysdale, from New South Wales in Australia, decided to submit a shocking name for her newborn son (purely for research purposes) and has now been left with an admin nightmare in trying to fix it.
It all started because the comedy writer – a presenter on ABC’s WTFAQ – answered curious viewers’ questions on what names can and can’t be legally used when preparing for the birth of her third child.
To put it to the test, Drysdale filled in the online form for NSW Births Deaths and Marriages registry.
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The infant’s legal name is now Methamphetamine Rules – yep, you read that right.
On the NSW Births Deaths and Marriages website, it states that it will not register names deemed as offensive, isn’t in the public interest and could be confused with an official title or rank.
When filling in the online form, Drysdale said: “That was pretty straightforward and presumably that name won’t go through, so now we wait.”
But just five weeks later, her son’s birth certificate arrived with the name ‘Methamphetamine Rules’ listed.
Shocked, Drysdale told her fellow presenter Chas Licciardello: “It got through! Methamphetamine Rules Drysdale is official! Here’s his birth certificate.
“My husband is not happy!”

Licciardello responded: “Oh my God, I can’t believe it. OK, so this is definitely not what we were expecting to happen.”
In the background, Drysdale’s husband Chris could be heard – and he clearly wasn’t impressed, as he called out: “You’re a d***head.”
Obviously wanting an explanation on how the name was ever approved, Drysdale contacted the registry staff and was informed that they review all information, including names.
However, when the TV presenter told them what had happened, the staff admitted that the name for Drysdale’s son had ‘unfortunately… slipped through’.
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A spokesperson has since spoken out and said that the registry does not choose what name a parent gives a child.
They told Daily Mail Australia: “While an unusual name has unfortunately slipped through, the NSW Registrar will be exercising her ability to correct the name in consultation with the parents.”
The rep confirmed that the ‘processes’ for registering a name have now been ‘strengthened’.
Drysdale is now hoping that her son’s real and ‘normal’ name will be approved, with the presenter telling News.com.au: “It’s a beautiful name and I can tell you has nothing to do with class A drugs.
“We think it’ll be a very unique 21st birthday present to tell him this story.”
At the time of writing, Drysdale’s son’s ‘normal’ name has yet to be disclosed.