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Britain’s Most Dangerous Prisoner Will Spend Christmas Alone In Bulletproof Glass Cage

Britain's most dangerous prisoner Robert Maudsley will spend Christmas alone in a bulletproof glass cage.
Credit: Channel 5

Britain’s most dangerous prisoner will spend Christmas alone in a bulletproof glass cage.

The holiday season should be a time when families get together and spend time with their loved ones.

But, for some, it can be a lonely time.

This will certainly be the case for the inmate who is regarded as ‘Britain’s most dangerous prisoner’.

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Robert Maudsley, 70, earned this title after he killed four people in total, with one murder taking place in a psychiatric hospital and two while he was in prison.

He has been behind bars since 1974, when he was sentenced for killing John Farrell after seeing photos of children that he had abused.

Maudsley was deemed too dangerous for a normal prison cell in 1983 and, therefore, was placed in solitary confinement.

An 18 by 15ft bulletproof glass ‘cage’ was built in the basement of Wakefield Prison and this is where Maudsley has been kept up until this day.

Robert Maudsley
Robert Maudsley, regarded as Britain’s most dangerous prisoner, will be spending Christmas in a bulletproof glass cage. Credit: Channel 5

He is only allowed to leave the cage for an hour a day and has to be escorted by at least four prison guards, due to his threat to the public and other prisoners – which is why he has never been released.

Maudsley had previously argued that he is only a threat, as per the BBC, to s** offenders as he stated that his victims were r**ists, p***dophiles, or s** offenders.

But, as with every day of his sentence, the killer will be spending Christmas alone in his cell.

As reported by Daily Star, a source revealed that Maudsley had been told he would never leave solitary confinement.

He had previously appealed to be allowed to spend the rest of his days mixing with ‘the general population’ of the prison, but was refused as he was deemed too dangerous.

“He was told no last month but appealed against the decision and wanted to spend Christmas in the presence of other humans. But he’s just been told no for the final time,” the source explained at the time.

“Being alone for that long does something to you. He isn’t OK and they cannot take the risk of what he might do.

“They simply cannot take the risk.”

Robert Maudsley
Robert Maudsley is only allowed to leave the cage for an hour a day and has to be escorted by at least four prison guards. Credit: BBC

While Maudsley believes he should be allowed to mix with other people, his own family seemingly disagrees.

His nephew, Gavin Maudsley, claimed in the documentary The Killer in My Family, that his uncle is ‘happy’ in confinement and believes that he will kill again if he is ever released.

However, back in 2000, Maudsley wrote a series of letters to the justice system asking to let him die if he is not granted a pet budgie.

Shared by The Times (via the BBC), he said in his letters: “I am left to stagnate; vegetate and to regress; left to confront my solitary head-on with people who have eyes but don’t see and who have ears but don’t hear, who have mouths but don’t speak.”

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He continued: “Why can’t I have a budgie instead of the flies and cockroaches and spiders I currently have? I promise to love it and not eat it.

“If (the Prison Service) says no then I ask for a simple cyanide capsule which I shall willingly take and the problem of Robert John Maudsley can easily and swiftly be resolved.”

In the letters, he also asked for a TV so he could learn about what was happening in the world – as well as classical musical tapes.

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Written by Rosario Monachino

Rosario is a former content editor at IGV who specialized in film, TV, and entertainment news. He has a degree in English and Film from the University of Salford and a master's in Journalism from Liverpool John Moores University.