
Passive Aggressive Tipping ‘Trick’ Is Leaving People Furious

A passive-aggressive tipping 'trick' is leaving people furious.
Credit: Alamy & Tyler Ann Marie Williams via Facebook

A passive-aggressive tipping ‘trick’ is leaving people furious.

People tip for various reasons, including showing appreciation for good service, recognising the hard work and effort put in by the server, or simply as a social norm or expectation.

Tipping can also be seen as a way to support low-income workers.

It has always been a topic of discussion, with people – and cultures – having varying opinions on the matter.

However, there’s one approach that most individuals agree is entirely wrong.

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The tactic in question involves putting five one-dollar bills on the table as soon as you sit down and then taking a bill away for every perceived ‘mistake’ during the service.

A viral post on Facebook detailed the ‘trick’ as a means to obtain the ‘best service of your life’, while others are slamming it as a passive-aggressive move.

Though some believe that tipping is a necessary expense to support the hard-working and underpaid, others view it as a means of supporting a flawed system that hurts both the server and the customer.

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Some even argue that tipping culture has gone too far, with certain services expecting tips that were not previously necessary, making it difficult to determine the right thing to do.

However, using the ‘trick’ of taking money away for every error in service is one surefire way to make sure your server dislikes you.

Although they might not tamper with your food, you’re pretty likely to become the most unpopular person in the place immediately.

The passive-aggressive tipping ‘trick’ is leaving people furious. Credit: Alamy

Thousands of people have taken issue with the idea, with some pointing out that a $5 tip would be insufficient to begin with.

$5 is already a pretty low amount, and if you’re deducting money for every minor mistake, the number would quickly dwindle even further.

So since Facebook users have caught wind of the method, they haven’t minced their words.

One person has labelled it as a ‘c**t act’, and something that only ‘sad little trashy people’ would do.

Offering her take, one waitress says that only ‘condescending b**tards’ would try such a stunt and that she would ‘try my hardest to make their food unenjoyable’.

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In contrast, one person writes under the post: “All the complainers here act like serving is the hardest job in the world.

“I’m already paying your wage by eating at the establishment you work at.

“Why should I pay more because you choose to try and live off of a basic skill, entry-level job?”

Being polite doesn’t cost anything, and being kind to someone who works a busy job with a lot of mental and physical demands shouldn’t be difficult.

Some people pointed out that this trick has appeared in sitcoms such as Cheers and Third Rock From The Sun.

Cheers even features a scene where the tipper had a whole drink of beer dumped on their head for their unpleasant behaviour.

So, tipping culture may be a complex issue, but taking away money for perceived mistakes in service is almost definitely not the way to go.

Instead, it’s better to be kind and understanding, particularly during this difficult time when the service industry is struggling.

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Written by Cal Gaunt

Cal is a former content editor at IGV who specialized in writing trending and entertainment news. He previously worked as a news reporter at the Lancashire Telegraph and earned an NCTJ in Sports Journalism.