
‘I Put An Angry Note In My Daughter’s Lunch Box And Addressed It To The Teachers’

A dad is going viral after putting a note in his daughter's lunch box and addressing it to the teachers.
Credit: @teddyevascents/TikTok

A dad is going viral after putting a note in his daughter’s lunch box and addressing it to the teachers.

On the government website, it advises that kids should have one or more portions of fruit and vegetables, starchy foods – such as bread or pasta – and milk every day.

So schools are encouraging parents to pack healthier lunches for their children and cut out snacks that are high in fat, salt, and sugar.

But one dad is taking a stand after his daughter was told off for what was in her lunch box.

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Father-of-three Ross Hunt has taken to TikTok to share the way he handled his daughter’s teachers.

In the post, which has been viewed over 530,000 times, Hunt claims teachers insisted that his daughter must eat her vegetables and sandwich before her sweet treats.

He explains that he had placed a note in her lunchbox to stop them ‘sticking their nose in [his] daughter’s business’.

The label reads: “Welcome to my daughters’ lunch box! We are aware of the contents of this box and are happy for her to eat whatever she wants.”

Hunt had printed out another label, but his wife said no to this one.

It read: “Step away from the lunch box, you nosey f***ing a*** bandit.”

In the video, Hunt says that he was forced into doing this after the constant pestering had been ‘putting her off from taking her lunch’.

The dad fumes: “It’s alright if you eat the chocolate cake the school gives you but if you put one in their lunchbox they go, ‘Oh no, you shouldn’t have that.'”

Ross Hunt lunchbox note.
The dad is going viral after putting a note in his daughter’s lunch box and addressing it to the teachers. Credit: @teddyevascents/TikTok

He adds that he was tempted to ‘ram [the lunchbox] full of sweets’ but instead, he put a sandwich, carrot sticks, an apple, a pear, a small bag of crisps, rainbow drop lollies and a chocolate egg in instead.

“In short, stop telling kids what they should and shouldn’t eat, let the f***ing parents decide,” he adds.

The video has been met with huge praise from parents who have gone through the same thing with their kids at school.

One viewer comments: “It’s a nightmare they promote healthy eating but my child comes home saying they had pizza and chips and some cake so which part of that is healthy.”

“My son and daughter are so conscious about what they eat due to the school promoting ‘healthy eating’,” adds a second.

Someone else shares: “Worked in a school which served cake but we had to confiscate a penguin bar from a kids lunch box as it’s not allowed. It’s silly, to be honest.”

Another person adds: “The work I had to do to convince my daughter she could eat a KitKat with her lunch of salad and ham wrap, cucumber sticks and a satsuma was unreal.”

@teddyevascents Designing a label for the lunch box ? #teddyevascents #parentinglife ♬ original sound – Teddy Eva Scents

This comment garnered a response from Hunt, who said his daughter was terrified about having a snack in her lunchbox.

Hunt has updated his viewers on the situation in a follow-up video, in which he goes through what she ate for lunch.

He says: “Right, let’s have a look at what she brought home in her lunchbox. First things first, she didn’t touch her rainbow drops.

“Apparently, she could only eat them if she had her carrots first.”

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Hunt claims that his daughter didn’t eat her carrots as they fell on the floor and was too afraid to ask the dinner lady to pick them up.

He explains that she ate her sandwich – which had more sugar than the rainbow drops – but didn’t touch her pear, crisps or chocolate because she said she didn’t have time.

He ends the post by commenting: “Of course, she got in the car and was immediately hungry and nothing was said about the label.

“In short stick your f***ing nose out of my kid’s business hopefully this will get dealt with but I f***ing doubt it.”

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Written by Rosario Monachino

Rosario is a former content editor at IGV who specialized in film, TV, and entertainment news. He has a degree in English and Film from the University of Salford and a master's in Journalism from Liverpool John Moores University.