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Mum Furious After Vegetarian Son Eats Meat At Friend’s Birthday Party
A mum was left furious after finding out that her vegetarian son had eaten meat at a friend’s birthday party.
When the parent discovered that her 10-year-old child had eaten a meat pie at the get-together, she phoned the birthday boy’s mum seeking answers.
The anonymous mum who hosted the party has now taken to Reddit and asked whether or not she was irresponsible for letting the vegetarian child eat meat.
She said that she had asked all parents to let her know if there were any food allergies.
One mum got back to her and said that her son, Alex, was vegetarian.
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The mum wrote: “I have a son who wanted to have some friends over for his birthday.
“He invited six of his friends for a sleepover. I made sure to let all parents know about the time, date etc and also asked about food allergies.
“One mum responded saying her son, Alex, was vegetarian. I said no problem, I would have vegetarian options for him.
“Fast forward to party day, the kids are having a ball and I take out the food.”
The mum said at this point, she noticed the vegetarian child eating a meat pie.
However, she didn’t want to ’embarrass’ him in front of the other children by taking it from him.
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She continued: “I come back with more and notice Alex eating a meat pie. I didn’t want to embarrass the boy in front of his friends by taking it off him, so I just let him eat.
“He didn’t seem to mind or notice that it was meat.
“Anyway, he must’ve told his mum what he had eaten as she called me up the following day and got angry that I served meat options at the party.
“I said my son loves pies, so I wasn’t going to omit them from the menu just because her son was attending. And I presumed her son knew what he could and couldn’t eat.
“A few more choice words and she hung up. I spoke to my son about Alex’s vegetarianism to see how strict his diet is, but my son didn’t even realise Alex was vegetarian, so I’m wondering if Alex knows he is vegetarian?”
She also clarified that she had told the children which were the vegetarian options when putting the food on the table.
Further on in the post, the mum said that she told her sister about what had happened, and she said that she was in the wrong.
The sibling told her that she should have stopped the boy from eating the pie.
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However, many people took to the comments and said that they agreed with the birthday boy’s mum.
One person said: “He’s old enough to know what he wants to eat. His mother can rack off. Don’t worry about it.”
A second added: “Alex isn’t vegetarian, his mother is just withholding meat from him.”
“She may want him to be a vegetarian but he may feel the opposite,” commented a third.
While another wrote: “At 10 years old, he 100 per cent knows what he’s doing.
“He’s making a choice and the mom is gonna have to deal with the fact that the kid might not want to be veggie.”
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