Credit: Alamy & @epiccfacts/TikTok
Drivers Are Only Just Realising What The Button On Their Seatbelt Is Actually For
Drivers have been left shocked after discovering what that little button on a seatbelt is really for.
Say what you like about the internet, but it teaches us something new every day!
Whether it’s what the fourth side of a cheese grater is actually used for, what the initials of M&Ms are supposed to stand for, or the secret purposes of the hooks on trolleys, every day is a school day when you spend a lot of time online.
One particular online revelation that shocked everyone recently was the discovery of a secret compartment within a toaster.
A shocked commenter wrote: “Omg I can’t believe this. I always stare at it and get annoyed because of all the crumbs.”
But the latest online discovery is truly blowing people’s minds this week.
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A TikToker has revealed the secret purpose of those mysterious buttons on car seatbelts, and it’s left us all feeling shocked.
Many commenters took to TikTok to share their amazed responses to this brand-new information.
“Wow that seatbelt one blew my mind, I would have never thought of that,” one viewer wrote.
Another added: “Wow! I never knew!!”
While a third laughed: “Not me passing that button so many times.”

Everyone who’s been in a car has noticed that strange little button halfway up their seatbelt.
But most of us have probably never before considered exactly what its purpose is.
Luckily for all of us, TikToker @epiccfacts has provided the answer we didn’t even know we were searching for.
“The little button on your seatbelt is to stop the buckle from going past it,” he explains. “So it will always be in the right spot when you go to buckle it up.”
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However, not everyone is as impressed with the TikToker’s revelation.
In fact, many claim they actually knew this fact before!
“I thought we all knew about the seat belt,” one wrote.
While another claimed: “Everyone knew the seatbelt one.”
A third added that it’s ‘common sense’.
@epiccfacts What The Secret Button On Your Seatbelts Does #facts ♬ nhạc nền – Facts
Redditors have also been chatting about the mysterious ‘seat belt button’.
One wrote: “It’s to keep the buckle from falling all the way to the floor. Trust me, if it falls off, you’ll miss it.”
Another agreed: “Had this fall off on me once. Never noticed it while it was there but boy did I notice when it was gone and I had to fish down behind me and feel for the buckle every time.”
While a third laughed: “Yup. Been there done that. Fixed it real quick.”